Breath Feel Move
My Yoga classes are suitable for all ages and body types. It is a simple practice that has a profound effect on the body and overall well being. The weekly classes are in monthly blocks designed to progress your understanding of Yoga and enable you to weave it into your day to day life. Like with anything we learn, repetition and continuity support the body to develop new motor memories, which in turn can free us to listen to what our bodies are asking for, which changes day to day and minute to minute. As your flexibility and curiosity develop, so will your range of asanas (yoga positions) naturally and gently, without effort. Through breathing, movement and listening, you will develop a stronger relationship with gravity to support your upper body to open and grow.
Why have I called my practice yoga poetry?
I am fortunate to have many joys in my life. Creativity is most certainly one of them. Creativity, in part, is a response and expression of something within or around you. I love to write, paint and cook in addition to Yoga and feel it is the same expression of creativity that flows through it all. I go for a beautiful walk along the sea, and this experience nurtures me and inspire me to respond. Yoga can be experienced in just the same way. An asana posture or sequence can be experienced similarly as that moment when the sun gently warms your face or the movements of the wind at the edge of the waterside, or fine food dancing with your tastebuds. It is to be respected and deeply enjoyed. For me, it is poetry in motion.

“This class truly felt like home, it was everything my body had been waiting for ”
— Mel Johnson