Spring in our step

April for me has been a wonderful exploration of feet and their key role in our yoga practice. For those of you who have been in my classes, you would have experienced starting each class massaging the feet. This simple action begins the conversation between our feet, breath and lungs.

All the movements in my classes come from ensuring your feet are awake. If feet are on the floor, then checking that your heel, your big toe, the outer edge of your foot are equally making contact with the ground. That the toes are spread wide and the two smallest toes at the end are also engaged. Then imagining the breath entering up through the feet, enabling our feet to hold our bodies with the support of gravity. From this, we can grow, open and be “moved by the breath” rather than “moving and breathing”. It is a subtle and substantial distinction, which needs beautiful, open and alive feet. A short video on this foot work will be published soon!


Feet Treats

Give your feet a facial! This really is a treat. The easy option is to use some bath salts or maybe that bath bomb you never got around to using. Get a foot sized bowl (washing up bowls can be great for this) or even use the bath with just enough warm water to reach your ankles. Soak them, let them relax and surrender fully to warm water. Then use a body/face scrub, a pumice stone or loofah. Gently work your way around each foot and return to the water for another soak. Remove your feet, pat dry and moisturise with something that smells wonderful. If you have s face/clay masque you can add this step into the sequence before the final soak.

It’s easy to make great for treatments from your kitchen. Mix some olive oil, ground sea salt, grated lemon peel and fresh rosemary into a paste. Then rub, scrub and leave it to soak into your feet for at least 5 minutes before have a luxurious soak and rising them. Another idea is to add a fancy tea bag to the water to make a herbal foot soak. Take the water straight from the kettle into your bowl or bath. Let the hot water strew the herbal infusion, like mint. Wait for the water to cool or add some cooler water. You can add essentials oils to the water too for an added waft of aromatherapy. There are lots of recipes online for bath melts etc you can experiment with.


Start your day standing!

Include stretching your feet and standing at some point at the start of your day in Tadasana (mountain pose). Try placing your feet in a grounded, open fashion while taking a shower or short, slow walk around the room (heel, sole, toes) for 2 minutes before/after your morning tea or coffee. Seek an easy and natural moment to weave this into your morning rituals. Even if this is the only yoga you do all day, it will make a difference.

As the weather warms starts appearing and we have some stunning days; it is an opportunity to free your feet from shoes. Enjoy a soulful stroll across some grass, roll up your trouser leg for a brief drip in the river or stroll along the seashore. It all nurtures our feet. If you haven’t already experienced a taster class, there will be an offer launched in May to experience a 1 x FREE class. Join us and see what your feet think!


Let’s talk feet